Tama Aernova's
There is an interesting succesfull history behind the company name of TAMA AERNOVA Spa, born in 2016 after the marged of TAMA Spa (founded in 1985) and Aernova Engineering Srl (founded in 1983).
The union of the two units led to the birth of a new company provided with an enviable experience, that has aspired immediately to become a world leader in the industrial air filtration field. The company deal with planning, production and supplying of products for the air filtration from dusts, fumes and gases generated by the different stages of industrial processing.
TAMA AERNOVA offers products and solutions for different areas of application, with the aim of satisfying (and help) in an accurate and competent way the requests from all over the world. The remarkable competence acquired gives flexibility to the operating departments, giving to the costumer the opportunity to customize the product according to the specific requirement.
The company assists the client from the choice of the product to the after-sales service, by consultation and planning, extra maintenance work and supplying of spare parts.
The establishment of different foreign branches contributed to increase the presence in the world marketplace and today the company boasts four foreign branches: France (Lyon), Spain (Barcelona), Germany (Velbert) and Brasil (São Paulo).
We want to be, all over the world, reference points of excellence for industrial air filtration.
We always are a company customer oriented, with the passion for planning and manufacturing of customized filtration units and for supplying “ad hoc” services.
Through fast response times, practical advice, professionalism and guarantee, we help every day our customers during the choice of the best solution.
Supplying products of high quality and developed according to the best available technologies, we want to contribute to improve the quality of work environment and the air we breathe.
We believe in the added value of our team, in the company profitability that allows investments for the company growth and in the relevance of our territory and our community.
All over the world, at the customers service, with excellent customized products, to improve the quality of the workplaces and the air we breathe.
Our relationship with customers is based on continuous researching of their satisfaction and on observe the commitments made. Our internal management procedures aim to guarantee an offer of products and services that respect their expectations, the quality standards and the safety requirements.
We differ from competitor as regards the performances of our products, the quality of materials and production processes, the adaptability to specific customers’ requests, the constant attention to environmental issues. In order to manufacture high quality products, we use modern and innovative technologies both during R&D stage, and during develop and production stage.
Worldwide presence:
Nowadays we can count on more than 200 co-workers located in the different units. We are present in more than 50 countries, with 4 foreign branches and various representatives and suppliers ready to give an high quality technical and commercial service to our local customers.
In favour of the local community we commit ourselves to preserve and, whenever possible, increase the levels of employment. We promote and support initiatives aimed at develop the social cohesion in our territory, with attention to those disadvantaged people. We are on the front line in order to give economic support to those organizations that deal with social inclusion, to try to guarantee them a better and sustainable future.
Headquarter and main manufacturing unit
The headquarter is located in Predaia (Trento, Italy), in the heart of Non Valley and Dolomites. It is an up-to-date structure, well integrated in the local area and designed according to eco-friendly principles.
The structure consists of 10.000 m2 where there are the production site, sales and administrative offices, research and development department, technical department, budgeting, after-sales offices and common areas.
Second manufacturing unit
The second manufacturing unit is located in Roletto (Turin, Italy) near the Piedmont Alps. The structure is 5.000 m2 large, it includes planning offices and a modern production site specialised in the manufacture of some product lines.
Foreign branches
Years of history
m2 of production area
A 40-year history
- 1985
- T.A.M.A. was born
- 1986
- Aernova was born
- 2002
- T.A.M.A. Franc was born
- 2005
- T.A.M.A. became Spa
- 2008
- Head office expansion reaches 9500 m2
- 2013
- T.A.M.A. Brasil was born
- 2016
- T.A.M.A. Entstaubungstechnik in Germany was born
- 2016
- From the merger between T.A.M.A. and Aernova was born T.A.M.A. Aernova Spa
Tama Aernova worldwide
Established in 2002, TAMA FRANCE SARL was the first of our foreign branches. The company deals with the sale, post-sale and supply of spare parts. The unit count on a modern metal carpenter’s unit for producing pipes and joints and some small size products.
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From 2007 TAMA IBERICA SL is our second branch in order of establishment, and it deals with sales activity, post-sale and supply of spare parts. TAMA Iberica works on planning and installation of complete filtration systems.
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Opened in 2013, TAMA BRASIL LTDA deals with the entire production process, in addition to sale, post-sale and supply of spare parts, guaranteeing the best support to our local customers.
From 2016 TAMA ENTSTAUBUNGSTECHNIK GMBH deals with sale, post-sale and supply of spare parts in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Benelux.
Tama Aernova & Sport
Aquila Basket Trento invests on the themes of solidarity and cooperation: hence the project “Aquila Basket For No Profit” with the aim of networking with twelve Trentino associations. TAMA AERNOVA believes and supports this sport club because together they share sensitivity towards the community with the only hope of "feeling good" and "making others well".