Modular Activated Carbon Filter

The activated carbon filter is a filtration system that uses the contact of the air with the activated carbon to stop the Volatile Organic Substances. It is an adsorber filter that guarantees the quality of the air in the work environment and the reduction of smells generated by the V.O.C.


The modular activated carbon filter is built and configured according to the type of use and according to the specific needs of the customer. The unloading hoppers, complete with manual shutters, allow the unloading of the coals, while the special outlets complete with plugs located in the upper part and accessible through ladders and parapets, facilitate the loading operations. The possibility of varying the thickness of the bed also makes it possible to design the filter for the contact times necessary to absorb the specific substance. The filter is made of sturdy carbon steel sheet.

How it works

It is a modular adsorber filter with the possibility of dimensioning for high air flows. The activated carbon beds present in the filter body are crossed by the gaseous flow which, thanks to the appropriate contact time with the active carbons, releases the VOCs adsorbed by the carbon itself. The filter is not equipped with pre-filtration, therefore any solid particulates present in the air must be previously retained by other filtering systems.

Standard equipment

  • Shutter for carbon discharge
  • Ladder and walkway to work safely during loading operations of the activated carbon

Optional equipment

  • Pulley for carbon load
  • Structure for pulley 

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