Aercarbo Activated Carbon Filter

The activated carbon filter is a filtration system that uses the contact of the air with the activated carbon to stop the Volatile Organic Substances. It is an adsorber filter that guarantees the quality of the air in the work environment and the reduction of smells generated by the V.O.C.


The AERCARBO activated carbon filter has been designed for the filtration of pollutants containing solvent dusts and vapors and particularly volatile pollutants. The AERCARBO unit consists of a structure of painted sheet panels and the cartridges containing about 48 kg of activated carbon allow a good level of adsorption. Also available in AERCARBO M version equipped with centrifugal fan.

How it works

The canalized polluted air is conveyed inside the plenum located on the lower part of the group; the air follows an ascending path and immediately meets the section of the mechanical pre-filters, in which the pollutants are deposited with greater physical consistency. The pre-filtered air flows through the cartridges containing the activated carbon, depositing the various volatile pollutant components.

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